At St. Gabriel, our mission is To proclaim the Good News of the Gospel and to develop each student spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, physically and socially, so that each child is prepared to live and serve in a changing society as a self-respecting and responsible citizen. St. Gabriel Catholic Schools’ purpose is to create an environment in which the teachings of Jesus are promoted as the basis of the values they teach and uphold.
Through daily prayer, religious education, sacramental preparation, and community service, we foster a vibrant Catholic identity that empowers young minds and hearts to make a positive impact in the world.
Daily prayer is an essential part of our school day. We begin and end each day together in prayer. We pray before meals and throughout the day at the beginning of many of our classes and meetings.
Our prayer partner program enables students in older grades to mentor and share faith with students in lower grades. Fifth grade students delight in the opportunity to shepherd their kindergarten partners through each school mass.
Students attend Mass together weekly. They take an active role in creating the themes for each mass, serving as lectors, and supporting the choir with their voices.
Our school music program includes learning faith-based songs that the children sing at school masses.
Weekly Adoration and Confession: each Monday morning, one classroom has the opportunity for 45 minutes of adoration and confession. They pray silently, using a prayer journal or worksheet, and are in the presence of Jesus. They learn that confession can be an amazing, regular habit to be close to Jesus and grow in holiness.
Celebrations throughout the year of church feast days and liturgical seasons provide the opportunity for students to learn about the history of the Catholic faith and develop a sense of belonging to our faith community.
Middle School Ministry team from St. Gabriel will visit each 5th grade classroom once a month. They will teach the saints for that month, or some other relevant topic based on that date.
Every year, from Kindergarten through 5th Grade, each student will bring home their classroom’s special statue of Mother Mary for one week as part of Traveling Mary. By the end of your time here at St, Gabriel, your family will have the opportunity to learn six of the approved Apparitions of Our Blessed Mother, from all across the world, spanning a variety of Catholic cultures.
Events include:
Living Rosary
St. Gabriel’s Feast Day Celebration
2nd grade “Saints Museum”
A visit from St. Nicholas
3rd grade Nativity Program
5th grade Living Stations of the Cross presentation
At St. Gabriel Catholic School, we recognize the value and dignity of all people and acknowledge our responsibility to be good stewards of the gifts God has given us.
Through participation in community service projects throughout the year, our students learn about the needs of others in our community and discover that even at a young age, they can follow the teachings of Jesus and help those in need.
During Catholic Schools Week, a school-wide service project is completed. Recent projects include Operation Sandwich and Servants with a Heart.
Class level service projects are determined by the class teachers. Recent projects include activities such as weekly gratitude cards written to local organizations or people thanking them for their service, packing diaper bags for MiraVia, and serving lunch at the monthly Parish Senior luncheon.
Our fourth grade students have the privilege of working closely with the residents of a local nursing home as they learn to live out the beatitudes and put our faith into action. The students learn to interact, interview and form relationships with their "grandbuddies." Students make birthday and holiday cards, tray favors, and room decorations and present musical programs. Each student also participates in interviewing an individual resident and then compiling a biography of that person's life. These books are presented to the residents at the end of the school year.
Charitable Outreach is a way for St. Gabriel families to learn about and assist local Catholic charities in monthly donation drives and participate in Corporal Works of Mercy.